The Athletic Association oversees the administration of youth sports for children in Grades 4-8. We process over 350 registrations per year. Athletics is open to all student parishioners from St. Pius X and Seton Parishes who attend St. Pius X School or who currently participate in their Parish School of Religion program. Responsible for conducting fundraising, budgeting, establishing policies and procedures, sports administration, and maintaining equipment and facilities, Athletic Association Board members meet monthly. Coaches and board volunteers are always needed. Adult volunteers over the age of 18 are required to have BCI with fingerprinting and complete a Protecting God's Children workshop.
Brian Sauer, President
Cub Scout Pack 326 was chartered in 1966 by the Knights of Columbus Hohman Council #5253, which continues its sponsorship today. Pack 326, which is made up of boys from 1st-5th grade, was recognized with a Certificate of Merit for the Bishop’s Pack Award in January 2015. The pack supports two fundraisers each year, the Boy Scout Popcorn Sale in September-November and a Pack Mulch Sale in March-April, which help to keep Scouting affordable for families and help pay for scout awards and achievements, pack lock-in, Blue & Gold banquet, camping, pack supplies, leader training, Donut Sunday and much more. Adult volunteers over age 21 are needed to act as den leaders, to chaperone events, and/or to help share activities and learning opportunities with young scouts. Adults working in environments with children under the age of 18 are required to have BCI with fingerprinting and complete a Protecting God's Children workshop.
Tim Miller, Pack 326 Cubmaster
614-595-8197 (cell)
Membership in Girl Scouts USA is open to all girls ages 5 through 18. St. Pius X Girl Scouts, recognized as a Bishop's Parish in 2017, is registered with Girl Scouts of Ohio's Heartland and through the Reynoldsburg Service Unit. Scouting is more than cookies and camp. There are many ways for adults and girls to participate that will fit into families’ busy schedules. Adult Volunteers are needed in a variety of roles. Adult volunteers must complete a background check and volunteer application form through Girl Scouts. Additionally, those volunteers working with children must also complete BCI including fingerprinting and complete a Protecting God’s Children workshop. Contact our Girl Scout Leader to learn more about Girl Scouting for your daughter at St. Pius X, and/or to have your daughter placed in a troop.
Hilary Staten, St. Pius X Girl Scout Leader