Volunteers involved in liturgical ministry are scheduled through a personal, online account called Ministry Scheduler Pro. This account allows you immediate online or app access to your schedule, permits you to enter dates you cannot serve in advance of schedule generation, and to request a substitute if a conflict arises. Visit Ministry Schedules to learn more.
Altar servers assist the priest during Masses on the weekends, Holy Days, special liturgies, and at weddings and funerals. Adults and teens who might be interested in becoming a server should contact our coordinator directly by phone or email, by calling the rectory at 614-866-2859, or by dropping a note indicating your interest in the weekly collection basket. Please include your name and a phone number where we can reach you.
Mary Girard, Coordinator
614-866-2859 or stpiusx@spxreynoldsburg.com
Volunteers take church linens home, wash and iron them, and return them the following weekend. Volunteers are scheduled approximately four times each year.
Please contact the Parish Office to volunteer!
Katie Chilicki, Ministry Coordinator
614-866-2859 or stpiusx@spxreynoldsburg.com
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are practicing Catholics who have been commissioned by the parish to distribute Holy Communion during the Mass and at special liturgies. EMHCs are commissioned every two years. Commissioning occurs every other year. If you would like more information, please contact our ministry coordinator.
Deacon Jim Kelly, Ministry Coordinator
614-866-2859 ext 103 or stpiusx@spxreynoldsburg.com
Gift bearers represent the parish worshipping community by bringing gifts of bread and wine to the altar where the priest accepts them for consecration. Gift bearers are assigned to the Mass of their choice. For more information or to volunteer, please contact the rectory.
614-866-2859 or stpiusx@spxreynoldsburg.com
This ministry is responsible for welcoming each person who enters our church prior to Mass. Our dedicated volunteers have a goal to make worshippers feel like they belong and to encourage those in attendance to enjoy Mass. We also answer simple questions for newcomers. We act as a "friendly face" to associate with our parish. Contact John Beyer for more information. We are men and women who assist in preparing the church for weekly Mass, and in assisting parishioners with their needs surrounding Mass. We greet parishioners and visitors, assist those with special needs, help worshippers to find seating within the church, conduct the offertory collection, and distribute bulletins.
Contact the Rectory
Lectors share the Word of God at weekend Masses and at special liturgies. New lectors are asked to attend a training session prior to being added to our schedule. Watch the bulletin for upcoming training programs.
Contact the Rectory