Founded in 1882 by Venerable Servant of God Father Michael McGivney, the Knights of Columbus has grown into one of the world's largest Catholic lay organizations. Open to men age 18 and over, there are over 1.8 million members in nearly 15,000 councils throughout North and Central America, the Philippines, the Caribbean, and Europe. In 2015, the Knights of Columbus councils supported a countless number of charitable organizations by donating more than $175 million and performing 72 million hours of service.
Fr. Andrew Hohman Council 5253 was chartered in 1962 and requires formal membership. Membership is open to all men of the parish age 18 or over who are practicing Catholics. Please contact us to learn more about becoming a Knight or attend a Family Social Meeting held every first Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Family Center.
Ted Habak
Grand Knight, Council #5253
Download the FREE Knights of Columbus app for Android (available from Google Play) or iPhone (available from the iTunes App Store) to learn more and stay connected.
Knights of Columbus Women's Club is a charitable and social organization for women that promotes the mutual understanding and common interest among its members and Knights of Columbus Father Hohman Council #5253. We conduct fundraisers throughout the year — like our biggest event, the Annual Card and Games Party in April — that support St. Pius X Church and School or the local community. Women age 18 and over are invited to join us, and members do not need to be the spouse of a Knight. We meet at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Activity Center on the second Monday of each month. If you would like more information about Knight's of Columbus Women's Club, please contact us.
Barb Martin, President