St. Pius X and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parishes are joining together to help the family of Deacon Greg and Theresa Waybright with their ongoing current living and medical expenses by hosting a casual pasta dinner on their behalf. The spaghetti dinner will be held in the large Parish Activity Center behind Seton Parish, 600 Hill Road in Pickerington, Ohio on Saturday, November 9th, from 6-8:30 pm. We are inviting you to join us in fellowship with the combination of good food, good family, and good friends. Deacon Greg and his wife Theresa have truly inspired us with their amazing faith along this difficult journey. Donations for the meal will be accepted at the door (cash, check, or credit card) and carryout available as well. If you are unable to attend but wish to donate, then simply make a check out to either parish and put “Deacon Waybright” in the memo portion. Any additional questions can be directed to Mike Paszkiewicz, 614-593-5182 or Dick Petersen, 614-981-2761. We look forward to seeing your family next to ours!